Thursday 15 December 2011

Initial Statement

My idea for a 3D street is to make a really dirty grungy alley way. I chose this because i liked the idea of playing around with all the texture and experimenting in Photoshop.

Textures to be made :
  • damp stone 
  • cobbles
  • scratched plastic 
  • puddles
  • grunge
  •  metal
  • moss
  • paint flakes 
  • rust
  • concrete 

10 Textures

 This is my bark or wood texture made in Photoshop. I made this by selecting two colours dark grey and light brown, then filter render fibres. Then i used the plastic wrap filter to give the wood some shine.
 This is my carpet texture that i made with black and white. Then I selected filter-render-add noise, and sorted out the levels and noise.
 This is my wet concrete texture that i am going to use in my 3D street.I made this by selecting two dark shades of grey and then filter-clouds, after i selected colour rage and deleted all the black. After this I use bevel and emboss on the layer to add grains in the texture.
 Flaky paint was made by an off white and a light grey and by using the cut out filter, to give the texture depth I used bevel.
 For my marble texture i selected grey and black. Then filter-render-difference clouds, then i used the smudge tool and the dodge tool to add detail.
 matte metal will be used in my street for objects like lamp posts. This was made by making the canvas grey and selecting the dodge tool and with a big brush just rubbing out some of the colour to give out a dull shine.
 rust was made by selecting a dull orange and dark grey. after that select filter render difference clouds. Then add noise. after I used the burn tool to darken the image to give depth to the rust.
 oil was by taking a black canvas and adding the plastic wrap filter and playing around with the levels.
 concrete was made by using grey and adding bas relief. 
the water texture was made by getting light blue and dark blue. Filter render clouds and add plastic wrap to give shine.

mind map for street texture

These are just a couple of ideas I had to make my street and textures. I chose to make an alleyway because I thought it would be different to make a really grungy place and play around with different textures.

Thursday 20 October 2011

fire texture

black foreground white background
filter-render-difference clouds. repeat x5
image-adjustments-gradient map
Then on the drop down list select orange-yellow-orange
and then on the levels put black, dark red ,yellow and white.

Thursday 6 October 2011

corrugated metal rust

To make corrugated metal rust use the marquee tool and make a thin rectangle in middle of the canvas. Then select the gradient tool and make sure its on reflective. click and drag from the middle of the rectangle horizontally to the edge of the rectangle and let go. Then edit - define pattern. After this make a new layer and select filter render clouds. Then make another layer and select the brush tool and make the colour the a deep rusty orange, then reduce the opacity of the brush and colour vertically in the areas you want.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Final output

Open Beta Testing

Closed Beta Testing

Iteration Cycle


Layout Design


Thumbnail Sketches

Mind Maps


texture photos

 Top 5 Textures
 Brick:  brick is quite a useful texture and can be used for walls.
mat: this texture could probably be used for things like animal fur or hair.
 stone wall: this could be used for walls and this like planets or rocky Tirane.
 wood : this texture could be used for objects that

might need to look aged and also broken objects

flaky paint : this could be used for objects that need to look old.